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To read his work is to enter a world that is both enchanting in its beauty and haunting in its dreamy familiarity

Gabriel Garzia Marquez
Gabriel García Márquez is a Colombian-born writer of astonishing skill, thought by many to be one of the world's greatest living authors. A resident of Mexico City, he is considered one of the pioneers of "Magical Realism," and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982.

To read his work is to enter a world that is both enchanting in its beauty and haunting in its dreamy familiarity. The world of Gabo's fiction is a magical realm where the strange and exotic can suddenly become comfortably familiar, and the whole concept of an objective reality is put in question. Here, the borders between life and death swirl together in a gentle and mysterious twilight, and -- if we allow it to possess us -- love can strike flaming miracles from the ashes of our soul.


Selected Reading:
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Love in the time of cholera

Last Updated: December 11, 1998